Are E-Bikes Unsafe for Teens?


Critical Thinking, Summarizing

They’re becoming more popular, and accidents are multiplying, which has increased calls for more regulation of electric bikes.

Analyze the Article

1. Set Focus 
Pose this essential question: Can the risks of new technologies outweigh the benefits?

2. Read and Discuss 
Have students read the article, marking key ideas and questions. Then ask them to answer the following questions, citing text evidence:

  • What happened to Brodee Champlain-Kingman? Why do you think the author begins the article with this story? (Brodee Champlain-Kingman was hit by a van and killed while riding his e-bike. The author begins the article with his tragic story because it provides a powerful example of the safety issue, grabs the reader’s attention, and connects the reader emotionally with the article’s topic.)
  • According to the article, what are the benefits of e-bikes and what are the risks? (E-bikes are more environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient than cars, and they move people faster and with less effort than bicycles. The risks are that crashes can be more dangerous, some people may not operate them safely, and the technology is unfamiliar to many people.)
  • At the end of the article, Clarissa Champlain calls for motorists to be educated about e-bikes. Why does she think this would help? Do you agree? Why or why not? (Clarissa Champlain thinks that too many people think of e-bikes as bicycles because they are not familiar with what e-bikes are or how fast they can move, which can increase the risk of a collision. Answers about whether students agree may vary, but students should support their opinion with solid reasoning.)

3. Core Skill Practice
Assign, print, or project the activity Sum It Up. Have students use the tips and the model summary to write an objective summary of the article.

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
Create a pamphlet to educate the public about the potential dangers of e-bikes and to recommend useful safety tips.

5. Classroom Debate
Should people need a license to operate an e-bike?

6. Quiz & Skills
Use the quiz to assess comprehension and Be the Editor to review grammar skills.

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