Is Year-Round School a Good Idea?


Analyzing Authors’ Claims

YES: David Hornak, Executive Director, National Association for Year-Round Education

NO: Paul von Hippel, Professor of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin

Analyze the Debate

1. Set Focus
Frame the inquiry with this essential question: What systems should a society put in place to best educate its citizens?

2. Read and Discuss
Have students read the debate and then answer the following questions:

  • What is the issue being debated? How does it relate to current events? (The issue is whether schools that follow a traditional school-year calendar should switch to a year-round calendar. The issue is timely because concerns about Covid-related learning loss have caused more schools to consider making the switch.)
  • Evaluate why these two authors might be interested in and qualified to comment on this issue. (David Hornak is the leader of an organization that advocates for year-round education. Paul von Hippel is a professor of public affairs whose research areas include issues related to education.)  
3. Core Skill Practice
Project or distribute Analyzing Authors’ Claims and have students use the activity to analyze and evaluate each author’s arguments.
  • Analyze Hornak’s view. (Hornak argues in favor of year-round schools. He says a year-round calendar benefits students by giving them continuous access to learning, academic support, library books, and food. He also says there is less need to reteach material if there are no long breaks during which students forget what they’ve learned.)
  • Analyze von Hippel’s view. (Von Hippel argues against year-round schools. He says a year-round calendar does not increase student achievement. He also says a year-round calendar complicates schedules, causing families to move and teachers to find new jobs—leading to decreases in property values and in the quality of teaching in year-round areas.)

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
In an essay, evaluate one of the debaters’ arguments. Assess whether the reasoning is valid and whether it’s supported with evidence. Point out biases or missing information.

5. Classroom Debate
Should more schools switch to a year-round calendar? Have students use the authors’ ideas, as well as their own, in a debate.

6. Vote
Go online to vote in Upfront’s poll—and see how students across the country voted.  

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