1. Set Focus
Pose these essential questions: How is labor dependent on the success of companies? How is the success of companies dependent on labor?
2. Read and Discuss
Have students read the article, marking key ideas and questions. Then ask them to answer the following questions, citing text evidence:
- According to the article, what are the pros and cons of gig work? (According to the article, the pros include flexible work hours, the ability to take only the jobs you want, and the potential for great tips. The cons include insecurity about what your pay will be each week, lack of benefits like health insurance, and unpaid time waiting for items to be prepared for delivery.)
- Why are some gig companies fighting to keep their workers classified as independent contractors? (One reason is that companies don’t have to provide health insurance, sick leave, and other benefits to independent contractors. Another reason is that, in some states, companies do not have to ensure that their gig workers make at least the state’s minimum wage. Both of these factors help companies keep their costs down and their profits up.)