Can Haiti Hang On?


Critical Thinking, Cause & Effect

A series of overlapping crises have brought this long-suffering country to the edge of collapse.

Analyze the Article

1. Set Focus 
Pose this essential question: What factors contribute to the collapse of a society?

2. Read and Discuss 
Have students read the article, marking key ideas and questions. Then ask them to answer the following questions, citing text evidence:. 

  • In the opening section, the author lists many of the crises the people of Haiti are facing. Pick one of the crises. How might it affect people in their daily lives? (Students’ responses will vary, but students should draw logical inferences about the effects of the crisis they pick. For example, those who discuss the effects of the power vacuum might point out that a lack of government likely makes citizens concerned for their safety and disrupts essential services.)
  • How does fuel play a role in how gangs have taken control of Haiti? (Gangs control access to much of Haiti’s fuel supply, which is critical because electricity is unreliable, so fuel is needed to keep hospitals and other services running. This helps create chaos in the country, furthering the gangs’ ability to intimidate people and control the country.)
  • How does a breakdown in law enforcement contribute to an increase in lawlessness, particularly among formerly law-abiding citizens? Support your points with details from the article. (Students’ responses will vary. For example, students might discuss how desperate people feel compelled to take desperate actions to survive, such as stealing fuel.)

3. Core Skill Practice
Assign, print, or project the activity Making Connections. Have students use the graphic organizer to explore causes and effects described in the article.

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
Research and summarize one in-depth article on the “independence debt” that Haiti had to pay France after winning its independence in 1804.

5. Classroom Debate
Should France be required to invest in rebuilding and bringing stability to Haiti?

6. Quiz & Skills
Assess comprehension with the quiz.

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